Second Level Assessment-
Current Impacts
Modern Forestry
Forestry Practices
Forest tenure within the Pollett River watershed today is a mixture of private woodlots, industrial freehold, and crown land, which are subject to varying levels of management in terms of harvesting planting and thinning. As Figure 3 shows (according to data provided by the new Brunswick Department of Natural Resources in 2023), a difference in the proportions in of these categories of land ownership and usage between the upper and the lower portions of the river. These differences reflect the level of access and population between the two portions of the river, which, as is often the case, becomes increasingly remote and less populated the higher up in the watershed one goes.
Maple syrup production remains a significant activity in the area. In addition to small scale private production there is a large commercial operation, Briggs Maples, tapping over 12,000 sugar maple trees in Albert County on both private and crown land near Fundy National Park (Briggs Maples 2015), with distribution in supermarkets through both Sobeys and CO-OP Atlantic.