Second Level Assessment- Current Impacts

Urban Development

The North River watershed is mostly rural, with 1.75% in settlements, and 26.5%  in agriculture. Thus, while not urbanized, the degree of development and settlement exceeds that of most other  portions of the Petitcodiac watershed, except for the main stem of the Petitcodiac. The point where the North River meets the Anagance and becomes the Petitcodiac lies within the Village of Petitcodiac.  The river’s headwaters meanwhile begins some distance east near Magnetic Hill, just outside of Moncton.  As a consequence, population densities at greatest at either end, and sparser in the middle.  Local Governance Reform by the Province (Government of New Brunswick 2023b) amalgamated governance to divide the North River watershed between 3 local governments. Just outside of Moncton is Maple Hills, which lies in the North River headwaters and extends to about where the river crosses Taylor Road. Salisbury  includes from Taylor Road to just before McKinnon Road in Wheaton Settlement. The Community of Three Rivers runs from where Salisbury ends and takes in the rest of the North River below that point including the parts of the Village of Petitcodiac that are not along the main stem of the Petitcodiac.
