This Stewardship Plan for the North River is one of a series of seven such documents compiling, detailing, and presenting information about tributaries of the Petitcodiac River and surrounding watersheds. The purpose of these documents is to enable prioritization and planning of restoration activities within the following watersheds: 1) Demoiselle Creek, a small watershed that drains directly into Shepody Bay, near the mouth of the Petitcodiac River estuary, 2) the Memramcook River, immediately adjacent to the mouth of the Petitcodiac River at Fort Folly Point, 3) the main stem of the Petitcodiac extending between the Village of Petitcodiac (where the Petitcodiac “begins”) down to the head-of-tide at Salisbury, and four tributaries of the Petitcodiac River system, 4) Little River, 5) Pollett River, 6) Anagance River, and 7) the North River. The location of these watersheds in or near the Petitcodiac system, (just outside of Moncton New Brunswick) is presented below in Figure 1.
Each watershed was assessed according to the four-level approach laid out in the Department of Fisheries and Oceans document, “Ecological Restoration of Degraded Aquatic Habitats: A Watershed Approach” (Melanson et. al 2006). The first level of assessment is examination of the land use history of the watershed. The second level of assessment looks at the current impacts. The third level of assessment considers the aquatic and riparian habitat, and the fourth level of assessment brings this information together to develop an aquatic habitat rehabilitation plan that identifies priorities and opportunities for interventions within each watershed to advance habitat restoration.
This stewardship plan claims no authority by which to drive its implementation. Instead, it is intended simply to serve as a public resource that organizes available information and helps inform future decision making by identifying, and prioritizing needs and sites for restoration activities that will enhance habitat quality and promote species recovery. This is a reference, not intended to be read cover to cover. It is also a living document, current and definitive to the time of writing, but constantly evolving and will never assume an absolute “final” form. Instead, it will be updated and superseded by subsequent editions as additional information becomes available.
Demoiselle Creek
Memramcook River
The North River
First Level Assessment – Land Use History of the Watershed
– Forestry Practices
– Agricultural Practices
– Mining Practices
– “Indian Affairs“
Second Level Assessment – Current Impacts
– Forestry Practices
– Agricultural Practices
– Transportation Development
– Herbicide and Pesticide Use
– Mining Practices
– Fort Folly First Nation
– Urban Development
Third Level Assessment – Aquatic and Riparian Habitat Assessment
– Wildlife
– Water Quality
– Geomorphic Analysis
Fourth Level Assessment – Aquatic Habitat Rehabilitation Plan
– Summary of Issues Identified from- – Information on Current Impacts
– Summary of Issues Identified from Aquatic and Riparian Habitat Assessment
– Restoration Activities Undertaken
– Opportunities for Future Restoration Activities
Appendix: SAR Species Checklists for Restoration Projects